A branch of engineering concerned primarily with the industrial application of mechanics  and with the production of tools, machinery, and their products.



         It is the force that can prevent equal & opposite force. That means, it is the preventing force. If       one force acts on outside of a material, then a reactive force automatically acts to protest that force.     The amount of reactive force per unit area is called stress. e.g. Tensile Stress, Compressive Stress,       Thermal Stress.
        Strain:       If a force acts on a substance, then in that case if the substance would deform. Then the amount of deformation per unit length of that substance is called strain

         Torque or Turning Force:          It is the total amount of force which is required to create acceleration on moving substance.         Couple:         Two forces those acts on equally,parallely & oppositely on two separate points of same material.


           It is the amount of moving effect which is gained for action of turning force

        Stiffness:        Load per unit deflection. The amount of load required to resist the deflection.         Specific Weight:        Weight per unit volume of the fluid.          Specific Volume:         Volume per unit mass of the fluid.          Specific Gravity:          It is the ratio of specific weight of required substance to specific weight of pure water at 4 degree centigrade temperature.           Specific heat:          The amount of heat required to increase 1 unit temperature of 1 unit mass.    Viscosity:          Dynamic Viscosity:          The amount of resistance of one layer of fluid over other layer of fluid.           Kinematic Viscosity:          It is the ratio of dynamic viscosity to density.


            It is the difference between basic dimension of mating parts. That means, minimum clearance between mating parts that can be allowed.             Tolerance:            It is the difference between upper limit of dimension. It is also the permissible variation above and below the basic size. That means maximum permissible variation in dimensions.            Clearance:          It is the difference in size between mating parts. That means, in that case the outside dimension of the shaft is less than internal dimension of the hole.             Stiffness:           It is the ability to resist deformation.              Toughness:            It is the property to resist fracture.              Fatigue:            When a material is subjected to repeated stress below yield point stress, such type of failure is fatigue failure.

             Nuclear Fission:           It is a nuclear reaction by which one big nucleous divided into two or more nucleous.             Nuclear Fission:           It is also a nuclear reaction by which one big nucleous will produced by adding two small nucleous.             Welding:            It is the process of joining two similar or dissimilar metal by fusion.


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